Sixth Form Open Evening Thursday 16th January 5-7pm
We are delighted to welcome Year 11 students and parents to our open evening to experience the range of learning opportunities we provide at MCS post-16. Our twenty-first century learning environment and recent developments in technology support our Sixth Form students with acquiring the skills, knowledge and aptitudes for future learning and life-long success.
Please visit as many areas as you wish on this evening and enquire about courses, approaches to learning and extra-curricular activities.
We hope you will find this a useful and informative evening in planning for your child’s next pathway. We are a school that has the very highest expectations and are determined to do the best we can for every student to achieve their potential.
5.00pm – 5.20pm - Presentation in the School Hall by senior staff and the Head Student Team.
5.00pm – 7.00pm - Parents and students are invited to visit Faculties, see displays, experiments, view work and talk to staff and students about subjects and courses available.
6.00pm – 6.20pm - Another opportunity to see the presentation in the School Hall.
MCS Careers and Higher Education Fair (CHEF) Wednesday 5th February
This annual event is designed to support young people and their parents or guardians to find information and make contacts that will help young people make informed choices about their post-16 and post-18 pathways. We have over 100 employers, education institutions, apprenticeship and training providers coming to MCS and this is the biggest event of this type in the region.
The Fair will prove extremely useful to students from a variety of year groups:
Year 9 and 10: Will be considering their Year 10 subject choices and their pathway after GCSEs. By talking to career professionals, further education and university representatives, Year 9 and 10 students and parents can get subject advice relevant to their future goals.
Year 11: Will soon be deciding whether to stay on at school in the Sixth Form, go to college, undertake training or enter into employment. The Fair will help their research with all of these pathways so they can develop a Plan A, Plan B and Plan C for next year.
Year 12 and 13: Will soon be considering, or in the process of applying for their University or career choices. The Fair will help with both.
We are extremely grateful to the many individuals who give their time freely and, in many cases, travel long distances in order to represent their career, college or university. Please do talk to them to find out what they do, how they got where they are and what advice they can offer.