Our PLA team are an enthusiastic group of Year 7-10 students, who meet regularly every Friday morning to discuss the focus of their next project or aim. We have the support of three Year 12 mentors who regularly guide and support the younger students. Our PLA team at Monmouth have worked together developing their strength throughout the year.
We selected the team in September, as students had already supported at Open Evening to promote International Languages, and how we learn, to the prospective Year 7 next year. They participated in all the Year group assemblies at the beginning of the year to explain who they were and their intentions.
In January, the students took part in a fortune cookie celebration and also investigated which Chinese animal they were, depending on the year they were born. Some team members created a display for Mandarin, celebrating and sharing their home language. After attending the PLA training, they have been working very hard completing tasks, both independently and together, promoting across the school.
The team created an amazing display board highlighting possible career pathways with languages as well as displaying a world map and presenting their silhouette images to represent their language stories.
Displays of student work have also been created by the PLA team to support celebration of student success and supporting the language teachers.
They organised the Easter Egg competition for Years 7-8 and created a Powerpoint to circulate to all Form Tutors and language teachers.
They had an overwhelming response of over 180 entries and posted the winners and their work via social media to celebrate their success. In addition to this, they have recently issued a multicultural competition from the challenge booklet for Years 7-8 to complete over half-term. We are holding a Primary Cluster Event in July, where the PLA team will support each school, acting as mentors for Years 3-4 to ensure they are guided through the day. The PLA team have also completed the tasks from their booklets individually.
I have been so impressed by the team's dedication and commitment to completing the tasks. They have worked collaboratively and learnt how to delegate the tasks to be more effective. Time has been an issue meeting deadlines, yet the team have always managed to produce whatever task they had set themselves as a goal. The team have been highly valued by the Languages Team as they have such positive attitudes to language learning , sharing this with their peers and acting as the best role modes for languages we could ever hope for.
I am so proud of what they have achieved in such a short time that we have applied for the PLA Team of the Year Award through Routes Into Languages. We look forward to seeing what the team achieves next year.
Miss Snook, Faculty Lead - International Languages