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I want to let you know that, after an incredible 27 years of service to our school community, Darryl Williams is moving on at the end of the academic year to new opportunities outside education. Many of you will know Mr Williams, through contact as a parent, and maybe you also remember him teaching you, a ‘number’ of years ago. His dedication to the students of this school and their wellbeing is phenomenal, and in addition he has been a core member of the PE faculty for many years. We will miss him here, and all of us wish him the very best for the future. We look forward to welcoming him back next year to school events, as he is of course still a parent at our school, and a much-loved member of our school community.
I also want to update you after a couple of physical incidents involving students that have happened in the past weeks. One incident happened at the May Fair, which is, of course, outside school, but incidents in the community still fall within the School’s aegis if it undermines safety and good order in school. I have shared my concerns privately with the Local Authority and the police, and I feel the need to let you know too. I have concerns about the safety and good order of the event, and the amount of adult supervision that is on the site, and I am lobbying the Local Authority to consider how to make improvements to any future event. Additionally, we had a physical incident on the school site, which resulted in a student being injured. This is, of course, an absolutely unacceptable thing to have happened, and as well as using the full extent of the school sanctions available to me, I am liaising with the police and with the Local Authority regarding the incident and to ensure that our processes and supervision in school are sufficiently rigorous. Both situations ended up on social media, which once again proved to be unwelcome tools to amplify and laud unacceptable behaviour. I can assure you that our responses in such incidents are robust and thorough. Please let me know if you have any questions about this.
Finally – it is the last day for Year 13 and Year 11 today before heading off on study leave (and more exams after half term…). Year 11 are, as I write this, mid-way through a Physics exam, and then we will have time for form celebrations and a farewell assembly. Many shirts will be signed, I’m sure. Both Year 13 and Year 11 have risen to the challenge of their learning and exams superbly – resilient, determined and hard-working, they are a lovely group of people who have bright futures ahead of them. I wish them all the best for the future, whether that be here for Year 11 returning for Sixth Form, or elsewhere for those off to college, university or an apprenticeship.

Enjoy the upcoming break, everyone. I know that students and staff alike are looking forward to a rest, after an intense half term. Many thanks to all staff for their redoubtable efforts, and to parents and carers for your unyielding support.
Hugo Hutchison