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I had the pleasure of visiting the Monmouth Science Fair once again this year, an annual jamboree where budding scientists from local primary schools present investigations they have carried out. It really was such a high standard, as it is every year – who knew that a potato can power a digital watch, or that toothpaste is excellent at dealing with Ribena stains? I certainly didn’t, but the students did, and they explained their investigations very well indeed. This year the winning team in a very close contest was The 3 Iceketeers from Overmonnow Primary, with Usk in second place, and Raglan third. Congratulations to them, and to all 31 teams from 7 schools that took part for a superb showing. Many thanks also to Dr Wall from Monmouth Prep, who once again organised the event.
We are now on the cusp of the main summer examination season, which starts next week and runs for six weeks. Everyone at school has a very sharp focus on the final preparations, and all members of our school community play a part in ensuring that candidates have the best chance for success. There are, of course, the examination students themselves, who have been well-briefed on revision techniques, study support and other strategies like getting enough sleep and limiting phone use. Members of staff here are doing everything to support in these final preparations, and I am grateful to them for their continued efforts. Parent/carer support is also vital – supporting, encouraging, reminding, reassuring. We also remind all other students at school of their collective responsibilities to act considerately to those that have examinations (which is about half of the school population). Practical aspects such as being quiet in examination areas are really important, and a great example of students treating others in the way that they would like to be treated when it is their turn. To give you some sense of the scale of the operation, over 15,000 examination papers will be sat at MCS in the next six weeks. I wish every candidate the very best of luck in their endeavours.
Very best wishes for the Bank Holiday weekend. I shall refrain from any weather forecasts.
Cofion cynnes,
Hugo Hutchison