Subject Areas
At MCS, we believe that individual subjects are important: they each provide a significant contribution to a student’s development. They expose students to a broad and deep range of knowledge that challenges and stimulates intellectual growth and they hone specific, meaningful skills. These subjects have evolved over centuries of thought and human endeavour and each has its unique traditions and disciplines.
From Year 7 onwards, our curriculum includes a rich variety of subjects:
- Mathematics
- English
- Science
- Welsh
- International Languages
- Geography
- History
- Computing
- Design Technology
- Drama
- Art
- Music
- PE
- Wellbeing
From September 2022, when the new Curriculum for Wales is adopted, these subjects will support students to develop their Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving, Planning and Organisation, Creativity and Innovation and overall Personal Effectiveness as learners. In addition, weaving their way through all of our subjects are the cross-curricular skills of Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Competency.
The vast majority of subjects are delivered by experienced and expert teachers, able to impart the knowledge, heritage and enjoyment of each discipline. Our bespoke Wellbeing lessons, which all students receive once per week, are delivered by the student’s Form Tutor.
Integral to these Wellbeing lessons are the strength of relationships within the classroom, and the importance of a teacher that knows our students well: their Form Tutor. From this base, the development of successful relationships in the formal and informal school environment are fostered. Wellbeing time spent with Form Tutors will provide coverage of the following areas:
- Raising awareness of the lifelong benefits from physical health and wellbeing
- How we process and respond to our life experiences
- How our decision-making impacts on the quality of our lives and the lives of others
- Engagement with social influences shapes who we are, our health and our wellbeing
- Exploring how relationships are fundamental to our sense of belonging and wellbeing
- Relationships and Sexuality Education
- Human Rights and Diversity
- Careers and Work-Related Experiences
Business, ICT and Computing Faculty
Design & Technology Department
- History
Modern Foreign Languages Faculty
Performing and Expressive Arts Faculty