Admission to Monmouth Comprehensive School Sixth Form
The Sixth Form at Monmouth Comprehensive School is a stimulating and purposeful environment where all students are challenged to achieve their full potential. From the team building Induction Day through to Results Day, each student follows his or her personal pathway to success and fulfilment.
The Sixth Form is open to all students and entry is based on a student’s desire to achieve further qualifications. We do not limit the number of students entering Sixth Form.
Our application process is detailed in ‘How to Join Monmouth Comprehensive School Sixth Form’. You will find this in the Course Information section of our website.
We advise taking advantage of our Provisional Choices application in the early part of the Spring Term. This information enables us to plan for preferred subject combinations.
Please note that our entry requirement for two-year advanced courses is six GCSEs at C grade or above (equivalent to Grade 4 in England), including Maths or English.
Please consult the Sixth Form Prospectus and Curriculum Information for the full range of courses available.
For Admissions Information, please contact Mrs Kirsten Jones on 01600 775184
All Year 12 students will follow four Level 3 courses, which may include the Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales. It may be appropriate for some students to start with five courses; where this is desirable, then a meeting with senior staff will take place for further advice and guidance at Next Steps Evening on the 21st March.
Please click HERE to view the Block Choices for September 2025.
Please complete the form, using the link below, to submit your choices:
You will find the Y11 ‘Next Step Evening’ on Thursday 3rd April a further useful opportunity to discuss Sixth Form choices and courses with tutors and senior staff.
Our virtual Sixth Form Open Evening microsite may be accessed through this link:
Sixth Form Open Evening Microsite
Post 16 Transport
Students over 16 and under 19 at the start of the academic year residing in Monmouthshire and living more than two miles from and attending the nearest suitable school may benefit from post 16 concessionary transport. This transport is subject to a charge of £440 per annum but is not guaranteed as it is granted only if there is sufficient room on a school bus.
Please use the link below to access the MCC website for full details
Post - 16 Transport - updated 16 March, 2021
Please use the link below to access details of service buses and private hire companies
Gloucestershire Mainstream Transport Team Notice
"From Friday 1st March 2024 we will be accepting applications for the forthcoming academic year (2024/25).
If you require a Spare Seat for the next academic year, please re-apply by completing an application form, via the website at:
As ever, we recommend you apply early; if you apply before 30th June 2024 your application will be classed as “on time” and you will therefore be more likely to receive a spare seat if one is available. You are not obliged to accept if you are offered a place, so it is advisable to apply even if you are not certain the pass will be required.
You should be aware that our ability to offer places on the scheme is conditional on the number of students eligible for free transport who require use of the service. It is therefore essential that you have alternative transport arrangements planned for the situation in which we are unable to offer a place to your child.
Please be aware that due to the need to prioritise pupils who are entitled to free transport provision, we will only offer spaces once we are sure of the capacity on each route and this may not be until August 2024 or, in some cases, until the school year has started.
Please remember the following as detailed in our terms and conditions:
When allocating spare seat students, priority will be given in the following order:
- Students attending the Sixth Form at that specific school.
- Students who held a bus pass in the previous academic year and applied before the end of June.
- Places will then be allocated in order, based on date of application.
If there is an outstanding balance on your 2023/24 spare seat, we will not be able to offer you a space for the forthcoming academic year until the balance is cleared.
In the interest of safety, no pupil should board or attempt to board a GCC vehicle without a valid pass or authorisation email from the Integrated Transport Unit.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us - 01452 425387 - "