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Monmouth Comprehensive School believes in inclusion, allowing all students to learn with and from each other in order to secure success.  For nearly all students, their needs will be met through high quality teaching and learning within the mainstream classroom.  For students with an identified learning need, person centred practice is used to determine the barriers to learning and provision to overcome the identified barriers.

For some students with identified ALN, reasonable adjustments are required within the classroom setting.  This could involve additional time to process information, alternative methods of recording information, using coloured overlays to read, or a specific seating position.  These reasonable adjustments are recorded in One Page Profiles to ensure all staff know how best to support individual students.

Students with identified additional learning needs who do not make progress through reasonable adjustments, may attend a targeted intervention.  These can be short term or long term and focus on specific barriers to learning, for example literacy, numeracy, communication or emotional wellbeing needs.  A few of our targeted interventions are built into the curriculum structure, others mean a slight change to the mainstream timetable.  Input of targeted intervention will always be discussed with the student and parents, with a focus on transference of skills developed in the targeted intervention into mainstream lessons.  This will be recorded through a One Page Profile and individualised targets which are tracked, monitored and reviewed on an on-going basis.

For those students with additional learning needs which call for additional learning provision, Individual Development Plans are created.  Additional learning provision is ‘additional to’ or ‘different from’ that which is generally provided for students within our school.  This provision will be bespoke and other agencies will likely provide advice and support.

On transition to Monmouth Comprehensive School, staff with review the content and provision of any existing IDP in order to agree to adopt the IDP.  For students identified when on roll at Monmouth Comprehensive School, a lead professional will be allocated to develop the Individual Learning Plan alongside the student, parents and other professionals working with the individual.

The strategic lead for the Inclusion Team and named ALNCo for the school is Mrs Rachel Newman.  

For more information, please contact