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Year 6 Transition to MCS



To our new students who will start in September: we are delighted that you are joining us, and we are looking forward to welcoming you to our fantastic school. We all work on the principle of Work Hard, Be Kind. You will find that we are a very caring and kind school. We are also a school that has very high expectations of you all, both in your academic work and in your wider progress as you start this exciting new journey in your life. We are all looking forward to getting to know you.

To parents of our new students: if this is your first experience of MCS then welcome to our school community. If you already have children at our school then you will already know our values and our approach to learning. We hope that this website gives you all a good idea of what to expect. Some details of our events might change, but our core intent will always remain the same: to enable your child to make a positive transition to MCS, so that they are happy and successful throughout their time with us.

I look forward to meeting you and to welcoming you to our school community in person.

Hugo Hutchison



Croeso Blwyddyn Saith / Welcome Year Seven

To our future Year 7 students

As you prepare to join our school community in September, I want you to know that we are excited to have you with us.

The transition from Primary to Secondary can be a challenging time but it is also filled with excitement and new opportunities to learn and grow, in your learning and as a person. As your Head of Year, it is my job to support you as you navigate the next five years of your school career.

My expectations of the year group will always be clear: we strive for excellent attendance and punctuality; we hold ourselves to the highest standards of behaviour; and we show enthusiasm in our learning because it will lead us to bigger and better successes. Each of these principles align with our school ethos: Work Hard, Be Kind.

And to parents: I look forward to forging new relationships with families and building on existing ones. Your involvement and keen interest in your child’s education is crucial. I value and encourage open communication, and collaboration, with our parents so that together we can secure the best for each student that comes through our doors.

I am looking forward to welcoming our new Year Seven to Monmouth Comprehensive School.


Mr Alex Rodda

Pennaeth Blwyddyn 7, Medi 2024
Head of Year 7, September 2024










Hello, we are the Sixth Form Student Leadership team, Sam, Edie, Phoebe and Matthew.  We are looking forward to seeing you at the Open Evening on Thursday 28th September but if you would like to click on the link below, we'll take you on a quick tour around the school.