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Faculty of International Languages

Cyfadran Ieithoedd Rhyngwladol
Faculty Leader: Miss J Snook

The Faculty has an exceptionally rich language provision, offering French, German and Spanish; all are taught to examination level by specialist teachers.

The Faculty is exceptionally well resourced with authentic resources and interactive technology, which helps an enthusiastic team of teachers to deliver a variety of teaching and learning methods. Constant use of current material, through access to the Internet, ensures lively and up to date materials are used in lessons.


Students study French in KS3. In Year 7, French is studied for four periods per fortnight and this provision continues into Year 9. Students also have the opportunity to sample taster sessions in German and Spanish in Years 8 and 9.


International Languages are optional in KS4 but parents and students are advised to have regard for their importance in a balanced curriculum. Languages are required for many interesting courses and are a gateway to many careers. Students may continue their French and may also take an ab initio German or Spanish course: all three courses lead to examination at GCSE level.

There are varied opportunities for foreign visits offering links with schools. There is also an opportunity for KS4 linguists to complete QCF qualification in Italian.


The Faculty offers French, German and Spanish to AS and Advanced Level. These courses enable students to develop their linguistic skills through a variety of activities and resources related to the syllabus topics.

At AS Level, students study units on the young person in society, culture and region in addition to critical analysis of a film.

At A2 Level, students also have the opportunity to study literature and history which supports language and a wider understanding of culture.