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Our aim at Monmouth Comprehensive School is to ensure that every single student that joins us is happy and successful, both at MCS and then throughout their adult lives. We are proud to be an inclusive community school that is very ambitious for each of our students, not only academically but also in their wider development as individuals. We are rooted in our shared values of respect, freedom with responsibility, independence, security and success.

We are a fully comprehensive school with a tradition of strong academic achievement.  We excel in a wide range of qualifications as well as across a wide range of extended learning opportunities including rowing, Duke of Edinburgh, sport, art, music and drama. We have an extensive programme of extra-curricular activities such as World Challenge and community work, along with visits and trips across the world, and look forward to these resuming this year.

Our students go on from us to all manner of exciting pathways, and have the freedom to make their choices from the very best set of options available to them. This is because of the strong foundation that an exceptional education gained at MCS gives them. Whether they choose university, technical qualifications, vocational paths or other routes, students are supported to be ambitious for themselves and for their future lives.

Yours sincerely

Mr Hutchison

Please click on the link below to access the School Prospectus.